Welcome to NIMBUS Institute, your premier destination for excellence in commerce education! We are committed to providing comprehensive coaching and guidance to help you excel in the CUET (Central Universities Common Entrance Test) exams. Our dedicated faculty members and state-of-the-art facilities ensure that you receive the best possible education to pursue your dreams in the field of commerce.


At NIMBUS Institute, we offer specialized coaching for the accounting section of the CUET exam. Our comprehensive curriculum covers all aspects of accounting principles, practices, and concepts to help you build a strong foundation in this subject.

Key Topics Covered:

Accounting Not-for-Profit Organisation: Not-for-profit organization: Meaning and Examples. Receipts and Payments: Meaning and Concept of Fund-based and non-fund-based accounting.Preparation of Income and Expenditure Account and Balance sheet from receipt and payment account with additional information.

Accounting for Partnership: Nature of Partnership Firm: Partnership deed (meaning, importance).Final Accounts of Partnership: Fixed v/s Fluctuating capital, Division of profit among partners,Profit, and Loss Appropriation account.

Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Admission of a Partner: Effect of admission of a partner, Change in profit sharing ratioAccounting treatment for goodwill, Accounting for Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities and Distribution of reserves and accumulated profits, Adjustment of Capitals, Changes in profit sharing ratio among the existing partners – Sacrificing ratio and Gaining ratio.

Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Retirement/Death of a Partner: Change in profit sharing ratio, Accounting treatment of goodwill, Re-evaluation of assets and liabilities, Adjustment of accumulated profits (Reserves)

Dissolution of Partnership Firm: Meaning, Settlement of accounts, Preparation of realization account and related accounts (excluding piecemeal distribution, sale to a company, and insolvency of a Partner)
Accounting for Share Capital: Share Capital: Meaning, Nature, and Types, Issue and Allotment of Equity and Preference Shares; Over subscription and Under subscription; Issue at par, premium, and at discount; Calls in advance, Calls in arrears, Issue of shares for consideration other than cash.

Issue and Redemption of Debentures: Issue of Debenture – At par, premium, and discount, Issue of debentures for consideration other than cash, Redemption of the debenture, Out of proceeds of fresh issue, accumulated profits, and sinking fund.

Financial Statements of a Company: Financial Statements of a Company: Preparation of simple financial statements of a company in theprescribed form with major headings only.Meaning of Financial Statements, Nature of Financial Statements, Objectives of Financial Statements, Types of Financial Statements, Uses and Importance of Financial Statements, Limitations of Financial Statements.

Analysis of Financial Statements: Financial AnalysisMeaning, Significance, Purpose, Limitations, Tools for Financial Analysis: Comparative statements, Common size statements, Accounting Ratios: Meaning and Objectives, Types of Ratios: Liquidity Ratios: Current ratio, Liquidity ratio.Solvency Ratio: Debt to equity, Total assets to debt, Proprietary ratio.Activity Ratio: Inventory turnover, Debtors turnover, Payables turnover, Working capitalturnover, fixed assets turnover, Current assets turnover.Profitability Ratio: Gross profit, Operating ratio, Net profitratio, Return on Investment, Earning per Share,Dividend per Share, Profit Earning ratio.

Overview of Computerized Accounting System: Concept and Types of Computerized Accounting System (CAS).Features of a Computerized Accounting System, Structure of a Computerized Accounting System.

Spreadsheet: Concept of an Electronic Spreadsheet (ES), Features offered by Electronic Spreadsheet, Applications of Electronic spreadsheets in generating accounting information, preparing depreciation schedules, loan repayment schedules, payroll accounting, and other such companies.

Using a Computerized Accounting System– Steps in the installation of CAS, Preparation of Chart of Accounts, Codification, and Hierarchy of account heads.Data entry, Data validation, and Data verification. Adjusting entries, Preparation of Financial Statements, Closing entries, and Opening entries. Security of CAS and Security features are generally available in CAS (Students are expected to understand and practice the entire accounting process using an accounting package.)

Accounting Using Database Management System (DBMS): Concepts of DBMS.Objects in DBMS: Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports. Creating data tables for accounting, Using queries, forms, and reports for generating accounting information. Applications of DBMS in generating accounting information such as shareholders’ records, sales reports, customers’ profiles,suppliers’ profiles payroll, employees’ profiles, and petty cash registers.

Join NIMBUS Instituteand embark on your journey towards mastering accounting for the CUET exam. With our comprehensive coaching, expert faculty, and supportive learning environment, you’ll be well-prepared to achieve your academic and career goals in the field of accounting.Our experienced faculty members provide personalized attention and guidance to help you grasp complex accounting concepts and excel in the CUET exam. With our comprehensive study materials, practice exams, and interactive sessions, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle any accounting-related questions in the exam.

Business Studies

Business Studies is an integral part of the CUET exam, testing candidates’ understanding of business principles, practices, and management concepts. At Nimbus Institute we offer specialized coaching to help you ace the Business Studies section of the exam.

Nature and Significance of Management: Management – concept, objectives, importance. Nature of management; Management as Science, Art, Profession, Levels of management–top, middle supervisory(Firstlevel), Management functions – planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Coordination – nature, and importance.

Principles of Management: Principles of Management–meaning, nature, and significance. Fayol’s principles of management. Taylor’s Scientific Management–Principles and Techniques.

Business Environment: Business Environment–meaning and importance. Dimensions of Business Environment–Economic, Social, Technological, Political,and Legal. Economic Environment in India;Impact of Government Policy Changes on Business and Industry with special reference to the adoption of the policies of liberalization privatization, and globalization.

Planning: Meaning, features, importance, and limitations. Planning process. Types of Plans–Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule, Budget, Programme

Organising: Meaning and importance. Steps in the process of organizing. Structure of organization–functional, and divisional. Formal and informal organization. Delegation: meaning elements and importance. Decentralization: meaning and importance. Difference between delegation and decentralization.

Staffing: Meaning, need, and importance of staffing. Staffing as a part of Human Resources Management, Steps in the staffing process, Recruitment–meaning and sources, Selection–meaning and process, Training and Development–meaning, need, methods–on-the-job and off-the-job methods of training.

Unit VII: Directing: Meaning, importance, and principles, Elements of Direction: Supervision – meaning and importance, – Motivation – meaning and importance, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; Financial and non-financial incentives. Leadership – meaning, importance; qualities of a good leader, Communication – meaning and importance, formal and informal communication; barriers to effective communication.

Controlling: Meaning and importance, Relationship between planning and controlling, Steps in the process of control, Techniques of controlling.

Business Finance: Business finance – meaning, role, objectives of financial management, Financial planning – meaning and importance, Capital Structure – meaning and factors, Fixed and Working Capital – meaning and factors affecting their requirements.

Financial Markets: Concept of Financial Market: Money Market – nature instruments, Capital market: nature and types – primary and secondary market, The distinction between capital market and money market, Stock Exchange – meaning, functions, NSEI, OCTEI, Trading Procedure, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) – Objectives, Functions.

Marketing: Marketing – meaning, functions, role, the distinction between marketing and selling, Marketing mix – concept and elements, Product – nature, classification, branding, labeling, and packaging, Physical distribution: meaning, role; Channels of distribution, – meaning, types, factors, determining the choice of channels. Promotion – meaning and role, promotion mix, Role of Advertising and personal selling; objections to Advertising, Price: factors influencing pricing.

Consumer Protection: Importance of consumer protection, Consumer rights, Consumer responsibilities, Ways and means of consumer protection – Consumer awareness and legal redressal withspecial reference to the Consumer Protection Act. Role of consumer organizations and NGOs.

Entrepreneurship Development: Concept, Functions, and Need, Entrepreneurship Characteristics and Competencies, Process of Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurial Values, Attitudes, and Motivation – Meaning and Concept.

Our experienced faculty members employ a blend of theoretical concepts, case studies, and real-world examples to ensure a holistic understanding of Business Studies. With our focused coaching and comprehensive study materials, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the Business Studies section of the CUET exam with confidence.


Economics is a vital subject in the CUET exam, testing candidates’ understanding of economic principles, theories, and policies. At NIMBUS Institute, we offer specialized coaching to help you master Economics and excel in the exam.

Introduction to Microeconomics: Meaning of microeconomics, Central problems

Consumer Behaviour and Demand: Consumer’s Equilibrium: meaning and attainment of equilibrium through Utility Approach: Oneandtwocommoditycases.Demand: market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, demand curve, movement along and shifts in the demand curve, price elasticity of demand, measurement of price elasticity of demand–percentage,total expenditure,and geometric methods.

Introductory Macroeconomics

National Income and Related Aggregates — Basic Concepts and Measurement: Macroeconomics: meaning.Circular flow of income, concepts of GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP (at market price and factor cost).Measurement of National Income–Value Added method,Income method,and Expenditure method.

Determination of Income and Employment: Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, and their components, Propensity to consume and propensity to save(average and marginal), Meaning of involuntary unemploymentand fullemployment, Determinationofincome andemployment:two-sectormodel, Conceptofinvestmentmultiplierandits working, Problemsofexcessanddeficientdemand, Measures to correct excessand deficient demand–avail ability of credit,change in government spending.

Money and Banking: Money: meaning, evolution, and functions, Central Bank: meaning and functions, Commercial banks: meaning and functions

Government Budget and the Economy

Government budget – meaning and its components, Objectives of government budget, Classification of receipts – revenue and capital; classification of expenditure – revenue and capital, plan and non-plan, and developmental and non-developmental, Balanced budget, surplus budget, and deficit budget: meaning and implications, Revenue deficit, fiscal deficit, and primary deficit: meaning and implications; measures to contain different deficits.

Balance of Payments: Foreign exchange rate – meaning (fixed and flexible), merits and demerits; determination through demand and supply, Balance of payments accounts – meaning and components, A brief analysis of recent exchange rate issues

Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991

A brief introduction of the state of the Indian economy on the eve of independence. Indian economic system and common goals of Five-year Plans. Main features, problems, and policies of agriculture (institutional aspects and new agricultural strategy), industry (IPR 1956; SSI – role & importance), and foreign trade.

Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

Poverty – absolute and relative; Main programmes for poverty alleviation: A critical assessment;

Human Capital Formation – How many people become resource; Role of human capital in economic development;

Rural development: Key issues – credit and marketing – role of cooperatives; agricultural diversification;

Employment: Growth and changes in workforce participation rate in formal and informal sectors; problems and policies;

Infrastructure: Meaning and Types: Case Studies: Health: Problems and Policies – A critical assessment;

Sustainable Economic Development: Meaning, Effects of Economic Development on Resources and Environment, including global warming.

Development Experience in India

A comparison with neighboursIndia and Pakistan, India and China.

Issues: economic growth, population, sectoral development and other Human Development Indicators.

Our expert faculty members employ a combination of theoretical lectures, practical examples, and current affairs discussions to make Economics engaging and relevant. With our comprehensive study materials and regular assessments, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the Economics section of the CUET exam and pursue your aspirations in the field of commerce.

Join NIMBUS Instituteand embark on your journey towards success in the CUET exam! Our tailored coaching programs, experienced faculty, and supportive learning environment ensure that you receive the best education to achieve your goals in commerce.
